Friday, June 29, 2007
Orchard MRT. Do WHAT? dunno yet...but confirm have lunch first lah. then.... i only managed to sms about 17 peeps about guys, spread the msg around! Check: Eunice: Confirm going Mijiao: Got RJ class outing.
HOW THE 29.6 MEETUP CAME ABOUT: Around --- 11: Porsy and I walked out of school, planning to makan. at TOA PAYOH! 11.01: Eunice: Eh, I like a bit miss the others....-_-" Porsy: Ya lor, .... Eunice: We call them....? Porsy: OK! Starts calling Mijiao, mijiao says ok, but must go AMK. -_-" OK OK OK! Starts calling random people.... 11.45 Porsy and I reached Subway at AMK, starts makaning first THEN MARIE AND MIJIAO APPEARED!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA. AND MARIE GOT GERMAINE ALONG TOO! muahahaahaha. muahahahahaha. muahahahahaha. goes to show that meetings like these don't have to be planned ahead of time. next time, when you feel like seeing us again, just give random 4/1 peeps a call. you never know who's gonna turn up. muahahaha.
IMPORTANT IMPORTANT! Due to a random meetup, ....we (me and porsy AND MIJIAO....i thought mijiao left early and didn't know about it, until i realised porsy left before her...) found out (actually was told) that GERMAINE IS GOING TO ITALY!!!!!! she got the UWC scholarship!!!!!!!!! so, she's leaving Singapore on the 19th August! AND GUESS WHAT!!!!!
WE'RE GONNA HAVE A FAREWELL OUTING FOR HER NEXT MONDAY DURING YOUTH DAY HOLIDAY! muahaha, i was gonna say it is COMPULSORY!!!! but doesn't seem like i have any 'authority' to do that....-_-" BUT PLEASE PLEASE COME K!!!!! and another thing, 18th August, our school (IJ) 's opening day. dunno why they so awkward, ming ming jiu shi already open but still must have an 'opening' that day we all go and have fun in the much-missed school k! >< details for monday's outing>> discuss on the tagboard lah. but i shall set a meeting time and place how about: 11AM at Orchard mrt.... AND IF YOU GUYS SEE THIS POST SMS THE REST OF THE FOURONERS WHO DONT READ BLOGS OFTEN TO COME AND LOOK TOO! -eunice ><
Title>>Just finish my terms (:
Okay. I shall not let Marie monopolize this blog.
Wahahaha!! (just joking, Marie!) Anyway people, I guess pretty much of you guys have finished your terms/CTs/exams or whatever you called it :p Hope that all went well and don't worry too much even if they don't! I am sure it's ALRIGHT! You have tried your best! (: I miss you guys so much!!!!! Awww... How's everyone out there? Update me le! Haha!! x) Oh I know!! Any messages that you want to tell the class and yet LAZY to update the blog, can just SMS me and I will help you post them up here!! (I wonder how many people read the blog anyway :P) See? I am so nice. Haha!! :P Okay, people! Take care and go and have a great time doing the things you like and have fun!!! Yeah! (: Till we meet again// lots and lots of love, szeching (:
the 4/1 network
adelina&aprilia cynthia eunice germaine hsiwen jianeng joyce marie michelle l. michelle t. priscilia qiyi sabrina soonli szeching teena xiuling anymore? the talk
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