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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
  Title>>wonderfulNAMES :))

heyy, shall post something interesting today :))
i'll spell our names reversely and see what come out of them :) hehe

abigail - liagiba
adelina - anileda
agatha - ahtaga
cynthia - aihtnyc
anastasia - aisatsana
aprilia - ailirpa
hui ting - gnit iuh
soon-li - il-noos
sabrina - anirbas
qi yi - iy iq
esther - rehtse
fifi - ifif
francoise - esiocnarf
prisicila - alicisirp
grace - ecarg
inka - akni
karina - anirak
dung - gnud
szeching - gnihcezs
lenora - aronel
patricia - aicirtap
germaine - eniamreg
maria - airam
michelle law - wal ellehcim
loan - naol
mai - iam
xiu ling - gnil uix
selina - aniles
silvia - aivlis
jia neng - gnen aij
mae chyi - iyhc eam
eunice - ecinue
marie - eiram
joyce - ecyoj
michelle teo - oet ellehcim
tricia - aicirt
isabelle - ellebasi
hsi wen - new ish
shona - anohs
teena - aneet

hahahahahahahaha :D
you can use that as your name if you want, pals!!
(all these are for humorous purpose only ya...)

that's all for today :))
love, szeching <3